So, the rabbit hole is a deeper twistier maze than you first thought… now what?

As I shared in my first-time newcomer post, I have a family member down the hole…

…way down…​

…way way WAY down…​

We didn’t know it was this bad and we don’t know where to start.

A bit of background

  1. My wife and I, the kids, the lost individual we’ll call “Jane”, and everyone within our circle have undergone a “family trauma”—an event I can’t share more about for a multitude of reasons but be sure we’ve all been affected. Our goal is to make sure we keep together while we work through these things. Some have sought counseling. The events of the trauma were/are not directly related to Jane’s run down the rabbit hole… rather Jane’s run started near daylight and as the event has turned her world upside down she has run deeper into the hole. It’s possible she was deeper than we suspected beforehand ... Read even more

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