Thousands left spooked and locking their doors after tiny hole spotted in garden

Thousands of terrified people have been locking their doors after a photo was of a small hole in someone’s backyard.

A discovered a deep hole the size of a coin and posted a picture of it on social media in an attempt to get to the bottom of what it might actually be.

He asked fellow Reddit users: “I’m in Adelaide Hills – can someone tell me what lives in here?”

Many people replying to the photo quickly decided it could be home to some spiders – especially a trapdoor spider or wolf spider.

Several shared their own stories about encounters they have had with trapdoor spiders.

One wrote: “That is probably a burrow of a trapdoor spider. Most of them don’t really build doors.”

Another commented: “There are thousands of these holes in the park across from my house – they’re all trapdoor spiders.

“I get a kick whenever I see people sunbathing or sitting on the grass ... Read even more

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