Time travel shocking EVIDENCE? ‘Time traveller’ shows picture of ‘MARS in the year 3812’

Mary declared that she travelled in time to the year 3812 and went to Mars – she added that robots were present on the planet and that humans had “moved there”.

The 37-year-old explained: “So I appeared on Mars, it looked like a desert with many buildings, I immediately took a photo.

“You can see the spaceships on which we came, you can also see the buildings.

“Mars was very interesting and at the same time very frightening.”

The “time traveller” detailed that when she was younger a 60-year-old named “Sir Benjamin Franklin” met with her and showed her a “big laboratory” where he conducted experiments.

She went on: “I will pass to the story about a tourist which changed my life.

“Once a 60-year-old man came to our cottage. His name was Sir Benjamin Franklin.

“He told me that in his 20s he had both studied and made experiments in the field of non-traditional physics.

“He told me that he had a big laboratory where he did his experiments.

“I think about which I was dreaming was in one of the cabinets of that laboratory.

“I speak about a time machine. When Sir Benjamin told me this ... Read even more

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