UFO sighting: Glowing object over Ukraine ‘could be TR-3B in hands of the Russians’

The strange object has no wings, windows, or contrail and maintains a reflective glowing white appearance for the duration of the controversial 20 second clip. The shaky handheld video, most likely filmed on a phone lacks any sound. Self-proclaimed UFO expert Scott Waring took to his etdatabase.com blog to speculate about the intriguing amateur video reportedly shot by one of his YouTube subscribers.

He said: “I emailed them back to learn more details about the incident but they have been ignoring me.

“But I understand as a lot of people record these kind of things then get really frightened.”

Waring proceeds to zoom in on the amateur footage to examine the UFO in closer detail.

He added: “For a few seconds it kind of looks like a disc in places and there are a few seconds where this UFO looks triangular in shape.

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“This might be one of those top-secret Russian flying objects. Maybe Russia has now of those top-secret TR-3Bs flying around.

“Whatever America has ... Read even more

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