UFO sighting near Silicon Valley ‘Aliens are helping tech giants’ – claim

Silicon Valley, California, is home to some of the world’s leading technology companies. The likes of Apple, Facebook and Google all ply their trade in Silicon Valley, leading to the area in the San Francisco Bay to being dubbed the tech capital of the world. However, one conspiracy theorist believes it is no surprise that the companies there are leading the tech trade, as he believes they are being ‘assisted by advanced aliens whose technology is much more evolved than our own’.

Prominent conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring made the bizarre claim after spotting a cloud near to the tech base which looks like a circular UFO.

Mr Waring believes the UFO is using a cloak to disguise itself as a cloud to remain inconspicuous.

The UFO said on his blog ET Database: “An employee at a boat rental saw a UFO shaped cloud passing over and took a great photo of it.

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