UFO Sighting: PYRAMID found on the Moon – shock claim

What appears to look like a strange structure on the surface of our lunar satellite has been spotted by conspiracy theorists. The odd looking object was discovered in NASA images by eagle-eyed alien hunters who believe it serves several purposes. One such purpose is that it is a monument, much like the ones built by the Egyptians, which has led some to believe both pyramids were build by the same beings.

Another is that it is used as a spaceship, according to prominent alien hunter Scott C Waring.

Mr Waring wrote on the ET Database: “I found a pyramid in NASA photo PIA13510 yesterday.

“The object is partly hidden in the shadows so you need to add light to it to see the rest of the structure.

“I believe this structure can fly from place to place.

“It is a spaceship but is landed in this location of the moon.

“There are so many ancient cultures on Earth that built huge pyramids like in Bosnia 25 ... Read even more

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