What tools are there to debunk pictures

I’m relatively new here, but I’m certainly not new to debunking wild claims. Some quick suggestions and thoughts:

First of all, if you are just starting out, I’d personally be careful about using the word debunking in a general sense for what a critical thinker does when presented with a wild claim (which can take the form of a picture or video). You are absolutely challenging that claim and testing to see whether or not it is internally consistent, and whether or not it shows obvious signs of fakery or can be explained by mundane phenomena. But IMO you shouldn’t have the mindset that everything can be explained or that everything exotic looking is definitely ‘fake’ in the sense that someone has fabricated it; that will create a lot of bias in terms of your thinking. You’ll notice that folks like Mick tend to use the word ‘probably’ a lot ... Read even more

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