Why 9/11 Truthers Are Wrong About The Facts | (Part 1 w/ Mick West)

I have not read the book (yet)… but not unlike many people my first exposure to “explanations” for 9/11 was a video.. likely Loose Change of CIT’s (can’t recall the name). I was not convinced by these presentations, but it raised my curiosity as to HOW such buildings could collapse. I followed my curiosity over the AE911T because I am an architect and I figured a professional group of architects and engineers interested in the collapse would have done some study and be able to shed light on the collapses. I got into that group for a few months….Gage put me on their board. But it was almost immediately apparent that AE911T was not a collection of professionals study the performance of the buildings… but a group to market CD which at the time was nano thermite. I realized this was nothing more than a cult to raise money to raise money.
Then I discovered other internet sites/resources and especially 911FreeForum which has a bunch of engineers who were analyzing the videos and doing all manner of physics calculations. Some refuted truther claims ... Read even more

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