You’ve got a high IQ if you can solve this maths problem in 30 seconds or less

Puzzles are a popular way of getting the old grey matter ticking over.

One brain-bending problem – which it is claimed can only be solved by people with a high IQ – has gone viral on TikTok. The video clip posted, by @selfdevelopment71, has had more than 1.2 million views – with many people giving wrong answers.

The puzzle asks viewers to figure out a pattern of numbers – and work out what the number six is equal too in the sequence. The answer is so deceptively simple that you’ll kick yourself if you don’t work it out.

The puzzle sets out what the numbers one through to five are equal to. It then asks what six equals.

Here is the puzzle:

  • 1=3
  • 2=3
  • 3=4
  • 4=4
  • 5= 4
  • 6=?

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